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Conference Proceeding

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Semiclassical models for multiple-user optical communication cannot assess the ultimate limits on reliable communication as permitted by the laws of physics. In all optical communications settings that have been analyzed within a quantum framework so far, the gaps between the quantum limit to the capacity and the Shannon limit for structured receivers become most significant in the low photon-number regime. Here, we present a quantum treatment of a multiple-transmitter multiple-receiver multi-spatial-mode free-space interference channel with diffraction-limited loss and a thermal background. We consider the performance of a laser-light (coherent state) encoding in conjunction with various detection strategies such as homodyne, heterodyne, and joint detection. Joint detection outperforms both homodyne and heterodyne detection whenever the channel exhibits "very strong" interference. We determine the capacity region for homodyne or heterodyne detection when the channel has "strong" interference, and we conjecture the existence of a joint detection strategy that outperforms the former two strategies in this case. Finally, we determine the Han-Kobayashi achievable rate regions for both homodyne and heterodyne detection and compare them to a region achievable by a conjectured joint detection strategy. In these latter cases, we determine achievable rate regions if the receivers employ a recently discovered minentropy quantum simultaneous decoder. © 2011 IEEE.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings

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