A simple procedure for construction of the orthonormal basis vectors of irreducible representations of O(5) in the OT(3)⊗ON(2) basis

Feng Pan, Liaoning Normal University
Xiaoxue Ding, Liaoning Normal University
Kristina D. Launey, Louisiana State University
J. P. Draayer, Louisiana State University


A simple and effective algebraic isospin projection procedure for constructing orthonormal basis vectors of irreducible representations of O(5)⊃OT(3)⊗ON(2) from those in the canonical O(5)⊃SUΛ(2)⊗SUI(2) basis is outlined. The expansion coefficients are components of null space vectors of the projection matrix with four nonzero elements in each row in general. Explicit formulae for evaluating OT(3)-reduced matrix elements of O(5) generators are derived.