
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University


Henry V. Howe, the founder of the current academic program in geology at Louisiana State University (LSU), and a renowned ostracod specialist, was also a distinguished foraminiferal paleontologist. His best work in that field, involving the discovery of many new species, was on the taxonomy of Eocene Foraminifera of Louisiana. The present H.V. Howe Type Collection of Microfossils began with Howe’s gift of slides to LSU. This collection, enriched by contributions from later workers, now includes over 580 slides of foraminiferal primary type specimens, with holotypes and syntypes of 361 species and 15 taxa labeled as “varieties.” Information regarding these specimens, including current nomenclature of the species, geologic age, stratigraphic level, and geographic location, is given in this report.


