Semester of Graduation

Spring 2018


Master of Science (MS)


Exercise Physiology

Document Type




PURPOSE: To explore the hematological differences in African-American athletes with sickle cell trait (SCT) and healthy controls (CON) before preseason camp and the changes that occur after a full season. METHODS: Sixteen (n=8 SCT; n=8 position matched, CON) NCAA Division 1 athletes (12 football, 2 each women’s soccer and volleyball) had blood drawn before preseason camp, after and at the end of the season, and analyzed for Hb electrophoresis (Hb-A, Hb-A2, Hb-S, and Hb-F), complete blood count with differential, chemistry panel 26, and prothrombin time, activity and international normalized ratio (INR). RESULTS: Baseline total Hb was similar between SCT and CON (mean±SD; 14.2±1.3 vs. 14.1±0.9g/dL, resp; P=0.87), and as expected, Hb-A was lower and Hb-A2 and Hb-S were higher in SCT than CON (P^3/mL, P^3/mL; P=0.09) amongst SCT compared to CON, respectively. Baseline amylase (99.4±25.4 vs. 72.9±18.8u/L; P=0.03), uric acid (6.8±1.7 vs. 5.5±0.8mg/dL; P=0.08), and creatinine (1.2±0.2 vs. 1.0±0.2mg/dL; P=0.07) were higher in SCT compared to CON. All Hb measures in SCT were similar after camp compared to baseline (P>0.33 for all). Baseline and position adjusted change in neutrophils were similar between SCT and CON (mean, 95%CI; -0.09, -2.06 to 1.89 vs. 0.36, -1.61 to 2.34cellsx10^3/mL, resp; P=0.77) from preseason to post-camp. Similarly, the adjusted change in lymphocytes was not different between SCT and CON (0.53, 0.01 to 1.05 vs. 0.15, -0.37 to 0.67, resp; P=0.40), however, total lymphocyte counts increased in SCT over the time from preseason to post-camp (PCONCLUSION: Despite major hematological differences due to SCT, very few changes occurred during the exhaustive, preseason camp and regular season at sea level.



Committee Chair

Johannsen, Neil


