


Master of Science (MS)


Agricultural Economics

Document Type



This study aims to present information on the existing Louisiana agritourism industry and create a descriptive profile of agritourism operators, addressing specifically what motivates people to engage in agritourism. A subsequent focus of the study is to document marketing approaches used in promoting agritourism operations and concerns and limitations faced by Louisiana agritourism operators. These will be achieved through the following objectives: 1. Use a survey instrument to collect information on the demographics of farmers interested and/or engaged in agritourism, farm characteristics, types of activities offered in the agritourism operations, as well as motivators for engaging in agritourism. 2. Analyze ways of promotion of agritourism operations and farmers’ perceptions of these advertising methods. 3. Identify key issues farmers face in the operation of the agritourism business. 4. Use principal component analysis to determine the nature of motivation for operating an agritourism business. The outcomes of the study would help increase understanding of current processes in agritourism that are taking place in Louisiana. Determination of the nature of motivation that lies behind operating agritourism enterprises, which is currently not fully known, may provide a better understanding of both financial and nonfinancial goals with the association to different farm characteristics. Identification of marketing approaches used by farmers to promote agritourism operations may improve the understanding of underlying processes and lead to the creation of learning materials to help farmers improve their marketing campaigns. Identification of potential constraints that agritourism operators face may lead to policy implications.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Bampasidou, Maria


