


Master of Science (MS)



Document Type



An examination of the effects of a structured activity program on resting metabolic rate (RMR), physical activity, and dietary behavior is essential in gaining a better understanding of potential strategies that may be used in future exercise training programs. PURPOSE: To explore whether endurance training alters energy balance via changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR), daily energy expenditure (EE) and energy intake (EI). METHODS: Twenty-four subjects (17 females, 7 males; 21 + 0.3 years old) were assigned to one of two groups: 1) endurance (E; n = 12), or 2) active control (AC; n = 12). The E group completed 15 weeks of marathon training and the AC group maintained their usual exercise routine. Primary outcomes were measured pre- and post-training and included: anthropometric indices, RMR, EI, EE, and time to complete 1.5 miles (in minutes). Dietary intake and energy expenditure were also measured mid-training. RESULTS: Differences present among the groups at baseline included: the E group had significantly higher estimated VO2max values (as measured by the time to complete 1.5 miles) and higher energy expenditure rates (measured via accelerometer data) than the AC group. Post measurements revealed that both the E and AC groups significantly increased daily energy expenditure from baseline measures (p = 0.005) and decreased time to complete 1.5 miles (p = 0.022). After training, the E group significantly increased energy expenditure during the tenth week of training (p = 0.009). No significant relationships were observed between marathon training and body weight, resting metabolic rate, or energy intake. CONCLUSION: The results of the study suggest individuals following an intensive, marathon training program may experience an increase in EE without a concomitant increase in EI. They may also fail to see improvements in body weight or RMR. Additionally, the parallel changes in EE and EI, and the increase in VO2max observed in the AC, when compared with the E group, may indicate that an uncontrollable factor may have been involved.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Stewart, Laura



Included in

Kinesiology Commons
