


Master of Science (MS)


Renewable Natural Resources

Document Type



Export-led strategies are very crucial to achieving growth and goals of developing and transition economies such as Ghana. As a result, export strategies are being adopted in many developing countries. Although such export strategies might be in place, the deployment of resources and tax payers’ money involved often calls for the investigation of programs and initiatives that exist and perceptions by industry if they are working. Furthermore, Ghana wood exports to the US, a historically major market, have been declining over the past six years. Therefore, there is the need to determine if export constraints to the US market exist. The objective of the study was to assess Ghana’s wood products export sector strategies and performance, and further assess export constraints to the US market. The study indicated that the wood export industry in Ghana perceives that government-led programs and initiatives are not working effectively. There was significant difference in responses based on firm size and product groups. It is therefore suggested that the Government and public and private sector institutions in the wood export sector coordinate activities and creating an enabling environment for Ghana wood products exporters to compete favorably in the international market. In assessing the export constraints to the US, results indicated that respondents have difficulty finding reliable buyers and face a lack of understanding of the US classification and grading system. In addition, large volumes required by US importers are also a major barrier in exporting to the US. There were significant differences in responses based on firm location, firm size and product group. Overall, respondents indicated there was no comprehensive and well documented export strategy in place. This calls for the development of a detailed national export strategy that will address the needs of wood products exporters to make Ghana’s wood product industry competitive in international markets.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Richard P. Vlosky


