


Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)


Computer Science

Document Type



The Tensor Contraction Engine (TCE) is a compiler that translates high-level, mathematical tensor contraction expressions into efficient, parallel Fortran code. A pair of optimizations in the TCE, the fusion and tiling optimizations, have proven successful for minimizing disk-to-memory traffic for dense tensor computations. While other optimizations are specific to tensor contraction expressions, these two model-driven search-based optimization algorithms could also be useful for optimizing handwritten dense array computations to minimize disk to memory traffic. In this thesis, we show how to apply the loop fusion algorithm to handwritten code in a procedural language. While in the TCE the loop fusion algorithm operated on high-level expression trees, in a standard compiler it needs to operate on abstract syntax trees. For simplicity, we use the fusion algorithm only for memory minimization instead of for minimizing disk-to-memory traffic. Also, we limit ourselves to handwritten, dense array computations in which loop bounds expressions are constant, subscript expressions are simple loop variables, and there are no common subexpressions. After type-checking, we canonicalize the abstract syntax tree to move side effects and loop-invariant code out of larger expressions. Using dataflow analysis, we then compute reaching definitions and add use-def chains to the abstract syntax tree. After undoing any partial loop fusion, a generalized loop fusion algorithm traverses the abstract syntax tree together with the use-def chains. Finally, the abstract syntax tree is rewritten to reflect the loop structure found by the loop fusion algorithm. We outline how the constraints on loop bounds expressions and array index expressions could be removed in the future using an algebraic cost model and an analysis of the iteration space using a polyhedral model.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Gerald Baumgartner


