


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Natural Sciences (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



Because technology has become prevalent in classrooms, this study was undertaken to test whether the use of integrated technology, specifically computers and online activities, affects learner outcomes in a classroom setting. The outcomes from classes taught using integrated technology were compared to classes taught with traditional teaching strategies. Students in a 7th grade life-science class were given pre-tests and post-tests to determine their learning gains on the topics of genetics and photosynthesis. Each class was assigned different activities based on the subject. Each unit was covered in four 90 minute periods. When one set of classes was using integrated technology for a topic, the other set was using traditional methods of learning such as notes, discussions and book work. The integrated technology had no detectable effect on learner outcomes. There were no significant difference between mean learning gains and the different variables tested: class size, gender and teaching styles. However, there did appear to be a positive effect on the students’ behavior and attitude for learning the material. The technology-based methods did not detract from student learning. Over a more extended time frame, implementation of technology-based methods in the classroom may increase learning gains and/or foster increases in engagement and class attendance.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Joseph F. Siebenaller


