


Master of Arts (MA)



Document Type



The goal of this study was to extend theory and research on job embeddedness by conceptualizing a parallel phenomenon that also exists in the family domain, referred to here as family embeddedness. Work-family balance perspective was utilized to argue that job and family embeddedness facilitate successful role functioning by guiding the resource allocation process in both the work and family domains. There were two parts to this study. In Phase 1, a measure was developed and a nomological network was established for family embeddedness. In Phase 2, a model was tested to understand the process through which two types of social support – leader-member exchange and family social support – affect satisfaction with work-family balance via job and family embeddedness, respectively. Phase 1 results suggested the expected three-factor structure for the family embeddedness measure, and provided initial evidence for convergent, concurrent, and incremental validity. In Phase 2, the family embeddedness measure was refined, and a higher-order factor structure with three latent indicators loading on an overall family embeddedness measure was confirmed. Results from the proposed structural equation model indicated that leader-member exchange and family social support enhance satisfaction with work-family balance by embedding individuals more extensively in the work and family domains. Interestingly, the indirect effects through job embeddedness appeared stronger than those through family embeddedness. Potential explanations for this finding are provided. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Matthews, Russell A.



Included in

Psychology Commons
