


Master of Arts in Liberal Arts (MALA)


Liberal Arts

Document Type



When LSU football players put on their uniforms and make their way on to the playing field, they become instant advertisements for Louisiana State University (LSU). When games are televised on national television, viewers are exposed to a number of different advertisements. Stadiums display corporate sponsorships and other naming rights, while television commercials serve as running advertisements. With an understanding that many aspects of the game are scripted with advertisements, this paper seeks to quantify the value of Tyrann Mathieu, a student-athlete on the LSU Football team during the 2011 football season. Though Mathieu did not receive the compensation given to professional athlete endorsers, he did provide a great deal of advertising exposure for Louisiana State University. Additionally, this paper will provide an understanding of the importance of celebrity athletes in advertising and why companies are paying for their endorsements. This research will provide a background on Tyrann Mathieu and his importance as a collegiate football player. It will seek to provide an understanding the importance of a celebrity and the value that a celebrity’s personal brand can provide an organization or company. Also, the research will analyze the importance of positive publicity when seeking endorsement deals, specifically, for athletes, and the implications that negative publicity can bring. The text will provide details on the methods in which the research was conducted as well as the many limitations of my study. The results will be displayed in a chart describing the details of my findings. Finally, the essay will conclude the research by analyzing with the results, while addressing limitations. Additionally, recommendations will work to provide strategies for Tyrann Mathieu, as well as other athletes in his position.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Karam, Thomas


