


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Biological Sciences

Document Type



The purpose of this study was to determine if students learn more from completing web based homework (WBHW) compared to completing homework by traditional means with pen and paper. Determining the efficacy of WBHW is important because many schools are being pressured to implement technology in the classroom. To determine the effectiveness of WBHW, student normalized learning gains were calculated from pre and post-test scores for 62 students. Learning gains were then compared when students completed WBHW, traditional homework, or did not complete homework at all, over four units in a high school chemistry class. No difference in learning gains were observed between the students completing traditional homework and those completing electronic homework. However, those students that completed either type of homework had significantly higher learning gains than those that did not complete their homework. Students were more likely to complete their homework when assigned on paper (86.7% of students) than on the computer (64.4% of students). Students also self-reported a preference for paper homework to WBHW. For example, 66% of students reported good or great learning gains as a result of traditional homework, compared to only 10% of students reporting the same for WBHW. The results of this study, demonstrate the importance of educators assigning meaningful homework in a method that students are likely to complete. High school chemistry students showed a preference toward traditional methods but, either method of homework completion was related to positive learning gains for students.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Maruska, Karen


