


Master of Science (MS)


Geography and Anthropology

Document Type



The purpose of this study is to examine temporal and spatial trends in surface global horizontal solar radiation in Louisiana using a 30-year dataset (1961-1990) of the four stations in Louisiana from the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRD) and a 6-year dataset (2001-2006) of the 25 stations in the Louisiana Agriclimatic Information System (LAIS). Three of the four NSRD stations exhibit a downward linear trend in surface solar radiation over the 30-year period of record, similar to the global trends uncovered in previous studies. Only one station exhibits a slightly upward trend. Surface solar radiation exhibits a positive correlation with maximum temperature but a negative correlation with minimum temperature. A higher solar radiation transmissivity in summer is found in Shreveport than at the three sites in southern Louisiana, despite a more direct sun angle in the south. Southeastern Louisiana (represented by New Orleans) is found to have lower transmissivity values than southwestern Louisiana (represented by Lake Charles), probably because of the stronger influence of large water bodies in the southeast. A summertime slump in transmissivity is found at all NSRD stations for a ‘normal’ averaged year. Data from the NSRD were used to validate data values from each LAIS station. While most LAIS stations have inadequate data, at least in some sections of the six-year time series, some stations appear adequate for future research applications.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Robert V. Rohli


