


Master of Science (MS)


Human Ecology

Document Type



Previous research has indicated that teaching is a high stress profession and that social supports may help to mediate teacher job stress. Ecological maps have been used in both research and other fields in order to study individuals’ social networks. Using a sample of ten Pre-K teachers, this study aims to answers two questions of inquiry: 1) Is the amount of reported social supports for Pre-K teachers negatively associated with reported stress?, and 2) What information does the eco-map interview give us about teacher’s social supports and stress? A multi-methods approach of both qualitative and quantitative techniques was used in order to study the research questions. There were null findings for research question one. For research question two, the eco-maps gave more information about the kinds of supports that were more and least common for teachers to report. Also, four qualitative themes emerged from the interviews: 1) multiple roles, multiple responsibilities, 2) profession of circumstance, 3) other educators as supports, and 4) students’ progress as a means of enthusiasm through stressors. This research has implications for future research of the relationship between stress and social supports for teachers of young children as well as for implications for practice.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Baumgartner, Jennifer



Included in

Human Ecology Commons
