


Master of Arts (MA)



Document Type



Cannabis use is associated with many negative consequences. Identification of factors associated with cannabis could inform prevention and treatment efforts. Social anxiety appears to be one risk factor for cannabis-related problems. Thus, it is important to identify malleable cognitive vulnerability factors that may play a role in the social anxiety-cannabis problems relationship. Anxiety sensitivity (AS) is the fear of anxiety-related bodily sensations and is composed of three subfacets: physical, cognitive, and social concerns. AS is associated with greater social anxiety and may play a role in cannabis-related impairment. Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) refers to a tendency to respond negatively to uncertain situations. IU is associated with social anxiety and may play a role in cannabis-related problems. The current study sought to examine the associations of AS subfacets and IU with cannabis problems as well as the direct and indirect (via AS subfacets and IU) effects of social anxiety on cannabis problems among 220 current (i.e., past three-month) cannabis users. Consistent with prior research, social anxiety was positively related to cannabis problems. All AS subfacets and IU were positively related to cannabis problems. Social anxiety was indirectly related to cannabis problems through AS-social concerns and IU but not through AS-physical concerns or AS cognitive concerns. When AS-social concerns and IU were tested simultaneously, social anxiety remained indirectly related to cannabis problems only through IU. Results highlight the importance of considering IU in treatment efforts for individuals experiencing cannabis-related impairment.



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Committee Chair

Buckner, Julia



Included in

Psychology Commons
