


Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



Document Type

Major Paper


The purpose of this document is to reveal a performer’s perspective on David Del Tredici’s Chana’s Story. This six-song cycle for mezzo-soprano chronicles the marriage of poet and translator, Chana Bloch, and is based on her translations and poetry. The first chapter of this document provides biographical data about David Del Tredici, which presents a view of his compositional development, and includes events and individuals of influence in the composer’s life, such as teachers and poets. The second chapter includes biographical data about the poet, Chana Bloch, which is provided to enhance the interpretation of the poetry and to facilitate the portrayal of the character of the cycle. The third chapter discusses the text and music from a performer’s perspective, examines challenging aspects of the music, and provides interpretive and musical suggestions for performance. The appendices include a complete list of vocal works by the composer.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Grayson, Robert

Included in

Music Commons