


Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



Document Type

Major Paper


The purpose of this document is to introduce singers, teachers, and devotees of musical theater to the prolific stage output of Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán (1882-1953), who ranks with Johann Strauss II and Franz Lehár as one of the most important and most-often performed among the composers of Viennese operetta. Although today relatively unknown in this country, Kálmán's operettas have been performed consistently in Europe for almost a century. Most of his twenty-two works provide excellent vehicles for both collegiate and professional companies that wish to explore the genre of operetta. Following a biography and brief analysis of his compositional style, each of his operettas will be discussed and detailed with a cast list, synopsis, and list of musical numbers (verse and refrain). The author’s hope is that readers will be able to use this document as a resource in selecting repertoire for individual students, college opera productions, and professional opera and operetta companies.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Lori Bade

Included in

Music Commons