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Sie material presented in this thesis is the result of a study of state high school athletic associations through their bulletins, pamphlets, and handbooks, in which thirty- five states are represented; of the handbook of the National Federation of State High School, Athletic Associations; of contacting present and former Louisiana High School Athletic Association officials; and of books found in the library of the Louisiana State University.

The study is divided Into six parts which deal with the history of the Louisiana Association, the functions of an athletic association, the comparison of the Louisiana Association with associations In other states, the organization of the athletic association under the state physical education department, the value of the athletic coach, and conclusions and recommendations.

According to authorities the desired athletic association should strive toward a better education of the individual through activities. Sports properly conducted can accomplish some of the important aims of education, the nearest approach to the ideal, would be an association that was sponsored by the physical education department.


