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Mink food habits were determined by examining digestive tracts from animals trapped over four winters from forested wetland, crawfish farm, brackish marsh, fresh marsh, and ricefield habitats. In addition, an abdominal fat index was used to determine general body condition. Over all study areas, crawfish were the most important food items in mink diets, occurring in 64.6% of the tracts. Other major food groups - in order of decreasing frequencies of occurrence - were mammals, fishes, reptiles and amphibians, insects, and birds. Mink digestive tracts from the forested wetland habitat contained the greatest variety of food items. Forested wetland and crawfish farm mink consumed mostly crawfish and fishes. Brackish and fresh marsh mink tracts contained predominantly mammals, fishes, and crawfish. Crawfish and mammals were the major food groups of ricefield mink. Abdominal fat index ratings of male and female mink from the entire data set and from the forested wetland habitat were significantly different. Male mink were in generally better body condition than females. Fat index values were also significantly different among the habitats and among years. Mink from the forested wetland habitat had the highest fat index ratings. The increased diversity of mink foods in the forested wetlands may affect mink body condition.


