Date of Award


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This study analyzes the commitments to the Louisiana State Penitentiary during the fiscal years 1939-1940 and 1945-1946. It directs particular attention at the possible effects of the recent war upon, first, the pattern of crime in the state; second, the characteristics of the persons admitted to the state penitentiary. Under the former category are considered the types of crimes for which sentenced, the place of crime, and the extent of recidivism. In connection with the latter category, information on race, sex, age, marital status, religion, and occupation is analyzed. Based upon data provided by the Louisiana Department of Institutions, the study disclosed the following:

1. Fewer persons were committed during 1945-1946 than during 1939-1940, the exact numbers being 778 and 796 respectively.

2. In the later year, proportionately more persons were committed for homicide, rape, larceny and property violation, whereas fewer were sentenced for robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, forgery, and embezzlement.

3. There seems to be a positive association between urbanity and the commitment rate to the state penitentiary.

4. Negroes, represented in disproportionately large numbers among those persons committed, were relatively less important in the later than in the earlier year.

5. The persons committee were overwhelmingly male, at least 19 of every 20 being so classified during both years. Females were relatively less important, however, in 1945-1946.

6. Although the great bulk of the persons entering the state penitentiary during each of the two years were young, those committed during 1939-1940 were considerably more youthful than the ones committed during 1945-1946.

7. The less-skilled occupational groups furnished the majority of the commitments during both years, but they were proportionately more important prior to the war.


