Date of Award

Summer 6-16-1951

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising

First Advisor

Hauer, Nelson A.

Second Advisor

Wilson, Fadra Holmes


It was the purpose of the writer to make a study of the Acadian handicraft work and to determine its role in the settlement of Louisiana. It was the problem to secure authoritative information concerning the Acadian handicraft work as it is being done today. This required discovery of each craft’s origin, brief tracing of its development, and its value to the Acadian people. To make this craft study, the writer visited the Acadian settlement in Southwestern Louisiana, interviewed officials, watched the native Acadian craftsmen at work, inspected equipment, took photographs of the craft designs, questioned producer or owner as to origin, and read published and unpublished material available in that action of Louisiana. It was found that the Acadian Handicraft aims not only to preserve the handicraft* of the Acadians in Louisiana but to instill into the products of the Acadian craftsman a quality unknown to other parts of the world. The handicrafts are an intricate part of their regular farming chores. The following five crafts are described: chair making, palmetto work, loom work, hair-rope making, and basketry. It was found that these crafts are still being done the same way as they ere one hundred and fifty years ago.


