Date of Award

Fall 4-2-1976

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Stickle, William

Second Advisor

Woodring, J. Porter

Third Advisor

Dietz, Thomas


Seasonal changes in the body component indexes of Littorina irrorata were studied for a two year period. Biochemical constituents (protein, carbohydrates, and lipids) in the soft body components were analyzed for one year. Body component indexes cycled seasonally. Shell index changes may be due to the seasonal changes in the total of other indexes. All soft body components, except the foot, exhibited a seasonal cycle which was correlated with the reproductive cycle. Female Littorina irrorata appeared to exhibit a bimodal pattern of capsule deposition with the two peaks occurring in May and August. Seasonal changes in the biochemical level and content were found to exhibit a seasonal periodicity. Protein and lipid content of the remaining visceral mass, gonad-digestive gland, and capsule-albumin gland showed seasonal variations. It was concluded that the capsule-albumin gland and gonad-digestive gland served to indicate the reproductive condition.



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Life Sciences Commons
