Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

First Advisor

Betty C. Harrison


The purpose of this study was to determine the deterrents to participation by adults in parenting education programs. The objectives were to: (1) describe parents with children in selected day care facilities by sociodemographic variables; (2) determine factors which deterred those parents from participating in parenting education; and (3) determine if a correlation existed between the sociodemographic variables and factors which deterred their participation. The target population was parents with children enrolled in License Type A day care facilities. The accessible population was parents with children enrolled in selected License Type A day care facilities in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana. A simple random sample of parents was drawn from the accessible population. The minimum required sample size $(n=249)$ was determined using Cochran's formula (Snedecor, et al, 1980). The 34 item instrument, Deterrent to Participation Scale (DPS-G) (Valentine and Darkenwald, 1990), was used for the collection of data during a three month period in the Spring of 1993. An initial survey, a follow-up survey, and a reminder were sent to parents through day care providers. Of the 249 surveyed, 112 responded, yielding a 45% return rate. The typical respondent was either black or white, 30 years old, female, with no more than a high school diploma. The typical respondent lived in a home with two adults present. Low-income parents working full time used the day care facilities. Factor analysis revealed five factors which deterred this population from participating in parenting education: (1) Lack of Confidence; (2) Lack of Course Relevance; (3) Personal Problem; (4) Situational Barriers; and (5) Time. Correlation coefficients and mean differences revealed a significant relationship between factors and specific sociodemographic variables.




