Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


The purpose of this study was to determine the educational needs of Louisiana Quarter Horse breeders (owners) based on an analysis of their current management practices, and to determine the association of these practices with age of breeder, education of breeder and primary reason for owning Quarter Horses. The data were obtained by phone and personal interviews of 100 of the 838 in-state members of the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders' Association. The chi-square test was applied to determine statistically significant associations at the .20 level of probability. The specific objectives of the study were: (1) To develop a personal profile of the membership of the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders' Association, 1979. (2) To compare the herd management, breeding, nutrition and health practices followed by Quarter Horse owners as related to their age, education and purpose for owning. (3) To identify educational needs of Louisiana's Quarter Horse owners in horse production. Results showed the average member of the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders' Association: was 42 years old, had one year of college, owned nine Quarter Horses (two stallions, six mares and one gelding) with a total value of $55,000, had almost 23 years experience with horses, had almost 53 acres devoted to horses, had 14 stalls in his horse barn, had one horse insured, had barbed wire fencing, felt his veterinarian was his best source of information, felt he needed to increase his knowledge on herd health, had either a professional or business occupation, felt racing was his primary reason for owning Quarter Horses, and considered finances (inflation, prices, money, economics) and breeding as his major problems in raising Quarter Horses. The findings of this study were in many ways consistent with other studies pertaining to agricultural production in that the larger and higher educated breeders used more of the recommended management practices than the smaller, less educated owners. Breeding/ranch work owners were the highest educated breeders and had the highest level of adoption of recommended management practices. Education was directly related to level of adoption of management practices. The more education a breeder had, the more recommended management practices he had adopted. Results of the study differed from most studies with respect to age of producer. Quarter Horse owners in the 40 to 49 year old category tended to have a higher level of adoption than other aged breeders. Most agricultural studies show an inverse relationship between age and level of adoption. The youngest breeders in this study had the lowest level of adoption. The dependent variable "primary reason for owning Quarter Horses" showed breeding/ranch work owners had the highest level of adoption, followed by racing, halter/performance and recreation/pleasure. This was the first time that variable had been studied, therefore there was no previous study with which to compare. Louisiana Quarter Horse owners do not use Extension as a source of information. It is generally felt that agents do not have a high degree of expertise in horse production. However, breeders are lacking knowledge on pasture/forage/soil practices. This is an area in which Extension can offer immediate assistance. Louisiana breeders' three weakest management areas are soil management, breeding and nutrition. Breeders have not adopted recommended practices into their management programs. Strong educational programs should be directed to these areas.




