Anoxia tolerance of con-familial tiger beetle larvae is associated with differences in energy flow and anaerobiosis

W. W. Hoback, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
J. E. Podrabsky, University of Colorado Boulder
L. G. Higley, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
D. W. Stanley, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
S. C. Hand, University of Colorado Boulder


In this study, we compared survivorship, heat dissipation and biochemical features of anaerobiosis of two tiger beetle species (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) exposed to anoxia. One species commonly experiences environmental immersion from rainfall and snowmelt (Cicindela togata), and the habitat of the other (Amblycheila cylindriformis) is not prone to flooding. The ancestral genus, A. cylindriformis, survives anoxia for only 2 days at 25 °C. In response to anoxia, these larvae immediately lose locomotory abilities, tissue concentrations of ATP fall precipitously within 12 h, and significant amounts of lactate are quickly produced. In contrast, C. togata larvae tolerate anoxia for 5 days. Heat dissipation is downregulated to a greater degree than that seen in A. cylindriformis (3.4% versus 14% of standard normoxic rate, respectively), the ability for locomotion is maintained and normoxic levels of ATP are defended for at least 24 h. Lactate is not accumulated until well into anoxic bout, and significant amounts of alanine are also produced. This study provides evidence that tiger beetles differ in physiological responses to anoxia, and that these differences are correlated with flooding risk and with species distribution.