GPI membrane anchors: Synthesis and functional evaluation of aminoglucosyl phosphatidylinositol core analogs

Jianhua Ye, UT Southwestern Medical School
William T. Doerrler, UT Southwestern Medical School
Mark A. Lehrman, UT Southwestern Medical School
J. R. Falck, UT Southwestern Medical School


Analogs of GPI membrane anchor precursors were prepared from chiral inositol 1 and evaluated as substrates in rodent and trypanosomal cell-free incubates. Di-octanoyl GlcNα-PI 5b was an efficient mannose acceptor whereas di-palmitoyl GlcNα-PI 5a was unexpectedly refractory. Di-octanoyl β-anomer 8 was mannosylated only under conditions that permitted acylation of the inositol residue.