


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Biological Sciences

Document Type



This study was undertaken to test whether frequent quizzing would have different learning outcomes with the different populations within the classroom. Normalized mean learning gains were compared among classes that were quizzed or not quizzed. Allied Health Honors, Allied Health Academic and Academic classes in a high school biology classroom were given pre- and posttests in three units of study: protein synthesis, genetics, and classification. The same student population was also analyzed based on academic achievement levels: high, medium and low. In each unit, the experimental group was taught with traditional power point based lectures and guided notes, laboratories, activities, frequent questioning, and post-lecture quizzes. The control group was instructed with the same methods but did not complete the post-lecture quizzes but was allowed independent study time in the classroom to account for class time when the experimental group was quizzing. Pretest, posttest, learning gains, and effect size were calculated across each class type and achievement level. All quizzed populations had a higher normalized learning gain than their non-quizzed counterparts in every unit. Even though the differences were not always statistically different, the student populations were positively affected by frequent quizzing. Frequent quizzing is an effective tool to increase learning in student populations in general, despite any differences in motivation or achievement. Further study with more groups of students may lead to a better understanding of how frequent quizzing impacts the learning of different student populations.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Siebenaller, Joseph


