


Master of Architecture (MArch)



Document Type



The typical American house is conceived of and constructed as a permanent and singular object. This method of permanent design and construction is not conducive to sustainable resource and material protection. The permanent connections and material customizations used in construction disallow most C&D (construction and demolition) materials from being salvaged, reused or recycled once the house has reached its end-of-life. As a result, residential demolition in America produces for over 19 million tons of material waste each year (US EPA 6). Deconstruction offers a valid alternative to demolition but is not commonly practiced for two main reasons. First, deconstruction remains a more expensive alternative. Second, the perception of the house as a singular and permanent object undermines the reusability of its material constituents. The following thesis includes research of typical construction design and methodology, a proposed construction design and methodology, a precedent analysis of architectural projects designed for deconstruction, and a design case study testing the validity of the proposed construction design and methodology. The research of typical construction design and methodology analyses those aspects that prohibit deconstruction as a viable method for dealing with the end-of-life of residential structures. The subsequent proposed construction design and methodology outlines a design hypothesis that would promote deconstruction over demolition. The precedent research analyzes past architectural projects that were designed with the intention of later being disassembled rather than demolished. The proposed construction design and methodology research is tested through the design process of the two case studies. These studies employ and develop design principles focused on creating a dynamic architectural design system that can adapt to changes in the needs of its inhabitants. The design utilizes locally bought materials that can be reused or recycled completely after use.



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Committee Chair

Bertolini, David



Included in

Architecture Commons
