


Master of Science (MS)


Environmental Sciences

Document Type



Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic country comprised of over 17, 000 islands with more than 300 ethnic groups and more than 250 different ethnic languages spoken. Due to its land mass size and multifaceted culture, land policy in this country has been ineffective and inadequate in addressing some of the land affairs. One of the indicators of effective land policy is land tenure security, where land dispute incidence is a function of it. Given that the government has very minimal guarantee for land tenure security in this nation, land disputes are inevitable and very common. By the end of 2008, there are roughly 7, 491 land dispute cases flooding the nation. This study is an exploratory undertaking that investigates the circumstances that have influenced the transformation of land policy and its implementation in Indonesia. Using Kingdon’s Multiple Stream Model as its main conceptual model, this research identified the primary factors that have influenced the effectiveness of land policy, defined in terms of land disputes. The study examined the above factors on the example of Tangerang Municipality, a large municipality that is home of hundreds of industrial and manufacturing complexes. The results of the study indicated that the country’s land policy implementation and land disputes in particular have been influenced primarily by inefficient land title registration, increased state corruption, lack of due process, and unclear decentralization program.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Wascom, Michael


