


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Natural Sciences (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



This two-week study was conducted to investigate the impact Learning Logs have on student conceptual mastery of force, motion, and kinematics. To begin the study a sample of 554 ninth grade students were selected from a suburban public school in Louisiana. The students were randomly divided into experimental and control groups within four teachers’ classrooms. This distribution was to examine the impact of Learning Logs regardless of the teaching style or time of day. Upon the study’s conclusion there was no significant differences noted due to teaching style or time of day. The Force Motion Concept Evaluation (FMCE) was used to establish conceptual knowledge gained throughout the unit. Further analysis of the data was done to see if other variables such as gender, ethnicity, economic status, or student learning exceptionalities had a significant impact on conceptual mastery. None of the aforementioned variables showed statistical significance. The students in this study did not make significant gains on the FMCE. The data showed that students stayed with their personal explanations regardless of the Learning Logs. Students appeared to have held onto their own explanation or an Aristotelian view despite the variables discussed. The persistence of student responses is greater than the random guessing threshold. Students were more likely select and maintain their misconception on the FMCE.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Slezak, Cyrill


