


Master of Arts (MA)


Educational Theory, Policy, and Practice

Document Type



Through statistical examination of the Multi-Institution Study of Leadership (MSL), conducted at Louisiana State University during the Spring of 2010, quantitative research sought to determine if different leadership outcomes are produced through membership in religious student organizations, multi-cultural fraternities and sororities, social fraternities and sororities, and intercollegiate or varsity athletic groups. The MSL is theoretically based on the Social Change Model of Leadership Development and the leadership outcomes it assesses are consciousness of self, congruence, commitment, collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility, citizenship, and change. It was discovered that students in religious student organizations score better on many leadership outcomes, students in multi-cultural fraternities and sororities score better in one leadership outcome, and students in social fraternities and sororities and intercollegiate or varsity athletic groups score the same or worse than students not involved in those groups. Implications for further research include seeking to discover what about membership in religious student groups produces the higher leadership outcomes. Also, Greek organizations tout leadership as a key component of involvement in their organizations, yet have lower scores than non-Greek counterparts on most leadership outcomes. Leadership initiatives by Greek organizations should be reassessed and revamped to develop students to become better leaders.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Bourke, Brian



Included in

Education Commons
