


Master of Science (MS)


Geology and Geophysics

Document Type



The Massive Sand member of the lower Tuscaloosa formation in Louisiana has the potential to be a prolific reservoir for carbon dioxide sequestration. Proximity to near-term anthropogenic carbon dioxide sources and existing infrastructure in the area make Louisiana a viable prospect for carbon capture and storage projects. The geothermal and geopressure conditions of the reservoir indicate that high carbon dioxide densities can be maintained throughout the study area, and substantial sand thicknesses were located. Subsurface depths of the top of the Massive Sand member range from roughly -2500 ft (-762 m) to over -21,000 ft (-6400 m) with a regional basinward dip. Reservoir temperatures range from 44˚C to 196˚C with an average regional geothermal gradient of .029˚C/m. Reservoir pressures, determined from mud weight data, indicate a pressure range from 8 MPa in shallow sections to 71 MPa in the deepest location. A regional top of geopressure was determined and mapped. Carbon dioxide density was calculated and determined to be a minor factor when considering potential injection locations, with a maximum regional range of 212 kg/m3 to 734 kg/m3. Gross sand isopach reveals substantial sand thicknesses with a general trend of thickening basinward and thinning to the north. Although carbon sequestration is best suited for injection above the regional top of geopressure, a normally pressured zone below the regional top of geopressure, associated with anomalously high porosity and permeability and locally thick sand deposits was identified, mapped, and recommended for further investigation as a potential injection site.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Nunn, Jeffrey


