


Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



The design and principle of operation, as well as the electromechanical phenomena of a single-phase linear reluctance motor are discussed. The motor with transverse magnetic flux consists of a primary part, which is moving and a secondary part which is stationary and does not have any windings. The motor can operate under AC or DC supply. When supplied from an AC source it must be equipped with a capacitor connected in series with the coil. In this case the motor operates on the basis of resonance in an RLC primary circuit. When supplied from a DC source it must be equipped with a controlled switch connected to the primary circuit. In this case it operates as a linear switched reluctance motor. A comparison of the motor performance operating under AC and DC supply is presented. The objectives of the project were to design the motor and to determine its performance under AC and DC supply. Design calculations were focused on determining the resistance, the inductance and the mass of the primary part. The calculations of primary winding inductance and magnetic flux density distribution were performed using finite element method. In order to determine the motor performance the simulation of motor operation under AC and DC supply was carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK software package. For this purpose the mathematical models of the motor were defined and block diagrams were built. The simulation results presented in this thesis show a better performance of the motor when supplied from DC source. The maximum efficiency that could be obtained is 55%. A study of the influence of the switching angle on the motors electromechanical characteristics shows that the motor performs better when switched ON earlier before the motor develops the positive driving force.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Ernest A. Mendrela


