


Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

Document Type



This paper is broken down into two parts:(1) discussion of current formulas that are used to calculate synchronized loss rates among concurrent TCP flows with the results of those equations on flows running through a bottleneck on a high speed emulated network and (2)steps to create revised forms of these equations that are more accurate and give a more reasonable estimation without having the shortcomings of the current equations. This paper brings to light three equations that were previously proposed and were used in published research projects along with their strengths and shortcomings. Through the study of these equations a series of newly revised forms of these algorithms will be introduced that take into account their predecessors’ pitfalls and gives a more affective and useful result under any set of networking conditions including large numbers of concurrent flows, multiple variations of TCP, and variations of receiving queue sizes among others. In this paper we will prove, through logical analysis of the equations structure, definition, and results they provide of network emulations on the CRON testbed, that these modifications to the existing formulas are necessary in order to provide a metric that depicts an accurate view of the synchronization loss rate of a given network.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Park, Seung-Jong


