


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Natural Sciences (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



This study investigates whether or not there is a correlation between parental involvement and student academic achievement. A sample of 103 students at Madison Preparatory Academy and CSAL Middle School (CSAL, Inc) were tested for correlations between the degree with which their parents are engaged in their academic lives and the success that they achieve as a result. Small correlations were found to exist between some of the variables tested. The test group consisted of a group of high school students from Madison Preparatory Academy (MPA) and their siblings who attended CSAL Middle which is the feeder school for MPA. The control group consisted of the remaining middle school students, whose parents volunteered for the study. It was assumed that because the demographic make-up of the two schools was similar that, untreated, their results would be similar as well. The high school parents received a handbook, which gave them tips for improving academic achievement, whereas the parents of the middle school did not receive the handbook. The analysis of the data showed a correlation in several categories for both groups. A correlation existed between student’s views of the assistance that they received from their parents and their level of confidence in their parents’ abilities to assist them. There was also a correlation between the parents’ self-efficacy and the amount of assistance they offered. I conclude that, parents who are more involved in the academic lives of their children have students who have a higher probability of being successful academically, as a result of that additional assistance.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Doerrler, William


