


Master of Science (MS)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

Document Type



The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of use of the eight educational principles included in the No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) by currently employed Agriscience teachers in Louisiana. Specific objectives formulated to guide the research were to describe: 1) Louisiana’s Agriscience teachers on selected demographics; 2) professional activities of Louisiana’s Agriscience teachers; 3) how often Louisiana’s Agriscience teachers ascribe to the NCLB principles; 4) determine if a relationship exist between the NCLB principles and selected demographics and, finally, 5) determine if a relationship exist between the NCLB principles and selected professional activities of Louisiana’s Agriscience teachers. Data was collected using a survey instrument that was developed by the researcher to measure use of the eight NCLB principles, professional activity associations, and selected demographic characteristics. The target population was defined as Agriscience teachers present on June 7, 2005, at the General Meeting of the Louisiana State FFA Convention. The survey was conducted confidentially. The outcome of the measurements indicated that the more years teaching experience the less the Agriscience teachers used the eight principles. Also, the higher degree of the Agriscience teacher the less likely they were to use the principles. In addition, teachers who were involved in extracurricular activities were more apt to use the principles then teachers who were not.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Geraldine Johnson


