


Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

Document Type



General information about the development the United States Interstate System, different theories of urban design, and samples of projects developed under elevated highways structures were used to illustrate the issues associated to the development of elevated highway within urban areas. After building the framework for the study of the spaces below elevated highways a comprehensive study of the contextual, spatial, and functional characteristics of the spaces below the Interstate-10 at Perkins Road was conducted over a period of 9 months. As a result of this study a master plan was developed to addresses the issues affecting the spaces below the Interstate-10 overpass at Perkins Road and surrounding communities. The areas surrounding the Interstate-10 overpass are part large area known by locals as the Perkins Road Historic Business District. This area of northern Perkins Road is an active commercial corridor surrounded by large subdivisions. During the development of the Interstate-10 overpass on the 1960’s this area suffered drastic changes causing the removal of businesses and relocation of entire families. Despite these adverse effects Perkins Road commercial corridor has maintained its unique character but the under develop state of the spaces below the Interstate-10 overpass have restricted further development of the area.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Max Z. Conrad


