


Master of Science (MS)


Geology and Geophysics

Document Type



The Eagle Ford formation in South Texas has been an established hydrocarbon play since 2008. The Eagle Ford is considered an unconventional resource because it is a source, reservoir, and seal. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have enabled this play. As drilling and production continue the limits of this play are being defined. The area between dry gas and wet gas/condensate has been known for some time since the initial production started in dry gas and moved up-dip. After the oil window was discovered, the contact between wet gas/condensate started to become more defined. Now companies are beginning to delineate the boundary between the oil window and immature areas. This study uses geohistory and thermal modeling software to define the boundary where the oil window ends and the immature area begins. Vitrinite reflectance values from modeling were calibrated to published vitrinite reflectance data. Then the models were used to estimate vitrinite reflectance values for other wells with only depth information. Vitrinite reflectance maps created by this technique are comparable to published maps in the study area. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was also calculated for the study area using a well log overlay analysis technique. TOC varies stratigraphically throughout the study area, but the lower Eagle Ford typically has higher TOC than the upper Eagle Ford. Well log overlay analysis is a useful tool in evaluating the initial petroleum potential of unconventional prospects when data availability is limited. This research has provided a technique to investigate areas of unconventional production potential.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Nunn, Jeffrey


