Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


The objective of the study was to discover if there were relationships between task performance of the 4-H organizational leader and concern shown by the Extension agent as well as other selected independent variables. More specifically, an attempt was made to determine if one area of concern was more important than another. The research consisted of a survey instrument sent to a sample of 312 of the 1,560 4-H organizational leaders throughout the state of Louisiana; seventy-seven percent of the schedules were returned. Eight hypotheses were tested and the following statistical tests were used to analyze the data: correlation, Chi-square, analysis of variance, and regression analysis. There was a positive statistical correlation between concern shown by the Extension agent as perceived by the leader and the effectiveness score of the leader. The four actions of Extension agents that had the greatest statistical influence on the leader effectiveness scores were coaching--to help them understand what to do, providing opportunities for growth and development, showing trust in them, and listening to what they had to say. Other findings were as follows: There was a positive correlation between the number of contacts and the effectiveness scores of leaders. Task accomplishment by leaders was positively associated with being asked to perform the task by Extension agents. There was not a significant difference in the effectiveness scores of leaders who had children in 4-H and those who did not. Tenure of Extension agents on the job was not associated with the leaders' perception of agents showing concern for them. The effectiveness scores of leaders were not associated with whether they were appointed by the principal, recruited by the Extension agent, volunteered or recruited by another leader. The effectiveness scores of the 4-H leaders were associated with the leader's self-perception of competency as a leader. The findings of the study strongly indicate that 4-H organizational leaders will respond to Extension agents showing greater concern and support by performing more of the tasks necessary for boys and girls to get maximum benefit from the 4-H program.




