Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The reliability and validity of a headache questionnaire, designed as a diagnostic instrument, were investigated. The questionnaire was administered to 117 headache sufferers in individual interviews. Following a 2 week interval the same questionnaire was readministered to 66 of these subjects. All subjects were independently diagnosed by a board certified neurologist and an advanced graduate student in clinical psychology using an Ad Hoc Committee's (1962) criteria. The categories of headache investigated were: muscle-contraction headache (N = 38), combined headache (N = 28), classic migraine (N = 19) and common migraine (N = 32). A factor analysis of the questionnaire data was performed using a varimax prerotation followed by a promax rotation. Nine factors were retained using the scree test as a criterion. Distinct classic and common migraine factors were derived. Two factors concerning muscle-contraction headache were also derived. The remaining factors concerned duration of headache, triggers of headache and location of head pain. Using the factors as scales, test-retest and coefficient alphas were computed for each scale. Four of the scales had a test-retest reliability coefficient of .80 or greater. In addition, two scales were found to have test-retest coefficients of .71 and .76. Coefficient alphas for the scales ranged from .45 to .86. Six of the scales had alphas of .63 or greater. Two standard discriminant analysis using a 30% hold out sample were performed. The first discriminant analysis included all four headache groups. Results of the first discriminant analysis indicated the rate of correct classification for the hold out sample exceeded proportional and maximum chance criteria for all four groups. It was hypothesized that the Combined Headache group may have reduced the overall rate of correct classification in the first discriminant analysis. Hence, a second standard discriminant analysis was performed using three of the headache groups (Classic Migraine, Common Migraine and Muscle-Contraction Headache). The rate of correct classification for muscle-contraction headache subjects was found to be highest, with 100% of subjects correctly assigned. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.).




