Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


The ability to formulate and implement social strategies has become increasingly important as a means for firms to manage the socio-political elements in their environments. This dissertation is an exploratory study designed to examine the internal process of corporate social strategy implementation. Specifically, the study is an in-depth, one-firm research case analysis of the implementation process in an organically structured organization. The literature is in agreement that in today's turbulent socio-political environment it is necessary for a firm to formulate and implement effective social strategies. Yet, only two previous studies (Ackerman and Murray) have examined the process of implementing social policies. Both studies were conducted in highly mechanistic organizations. This study attempts to broaden the research base by examining the implementation process in an organically structure firm facing a turbulent environment. The primary foci of this dissertation were to examine (1) the role of the performance measurement, reporting, evaluation and reward systems in the implementation process and (2) the nature of the process itself. The data were gathered by interviewing managers at five levels of the hierarchy and by archival analysis. The major findings is that there are similarities to and differences between the social strategy implementation process in an organic organization and the process in mechanistic organizations as described by Ackerman and Murray.




