Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


The study sought the opinions of secondary school teachers toward in-service education in educational media in regard to (1) sex of the teacher; (2) educational degree; (3) years of teaching experience; (4) grade levels taught; (5) major teaching area; (6) undergraduate media preparation; (7) graduate media preparation; and (8) participation of teacher in previous media workshops and programs. Fifty secondary schools from sixteen parishes in Louisiana were randomly selected to participate in the study. A closed questionnaire of sixty-seven items was used, and three hundred fifty-one teachers from thirty-six schools completed the answer sheets. Teachers responded to each statement of the survey instrument according to a Likert-type scale. Data was processed at the Louisiana State University Computer Center, using chi-square statistical analysis to test each null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. The study fails to reject any of the eight null hypotheses, because not enough significant differences were shown in the responses of the teachers in each category. The following conclusions can summarize the opinions of the secondary school teachers toward in-service training in educational media: (1) In-service education programs should be planned and administered by teachers to meet the actual needs and professional desires of participating teachers. (2) There are enough well-trained teachers in the parish to help with media in-service education. (3) Most teachers agree that they can be more effective in their instruction if they know more about proper utilization of educational media. (4) Most in-service programs in media have been beneficial to teachers and schools. (5) Most teachers will attend media in-service programs. (6) A majority of teachers feel they need training in production of materials such as transparencies and slide-tape programs. (7) There is little need for training in operation of most classroom projectors. (8) At least one state-required day should be devoted to in-service activities in media utilization. (9) A qualified person is needed to coordinate media programs in individual schools. (10) Teachers are aware of most media equipment and materials in their schools and parishes.




