Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Farming is big business in Louisiana and the Nation. It is essential for the well-being of the United States. The Farm Bureau Federation is the largest voluntary farm organization in the world and has guarded the farming community's welfare during the last sixty years. The Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation was started in 1921 on the Dodson farm near Baton Rouge, Louisiana by a handful of dedicated farmers. Today it has grown into an organization with over 64,000 member families. The purpose of this study was to record as completely as possible the History of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation. The objective of this study was accomplished by taping personal interviews with Farm Bureau leaders and other leaders in Louisiana agriculture. Secondary resource information such as newspapers, reference books, and annual reports from Extension files also provided information. The organization of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation was brought about in the early 1920's due to a need for farmer representation and the need to improve market conditions. For the first twenty years the organization was primarily a marketing organization. From the early 1940's through the early 1960's the L.F.B.F. served primarily as an educational and legislative organization. In 1963 James D. Graugnard was elected L.F.B.F. president and serves to the present in that capacity. The organization now serves its members not only in education and legislative areas but also in areas of marketing, insurance, safety, commmodities, supplies and other vital areas. L.F.B.F. now has millions of dollars in assets. The growth and success of L.F.B.F. is primarily due to the hard work of its members and the fact that the organization is member controlled. Policies that represent the views of L.F.B.F. are developed from the grass roots farmer. This is one reason for the great success enjoyed by Farm Bureau. It is a work that was very difficult to research and prepare, however, the growth and success of L.F.B.F is one of the great success stories in agriculture.




