


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Document Type



Research on the construct of worry has increased dramatically in the past two decades. This research has also tended to focus on adults, with only a limited number of studies examining adolescent populations. With the continued dominance of developmental psychopathology and a lifespan approach to development, it has become apparent that downward extensions of adult models of psychopathology are inadequate (cf. Mash & Dozois, 2002). As a result, investigations in adolescents are essential due to the potential developmental differences and heterotypic continuity in worry between adolescents and adults. These developmental differences and changes associated with the period of adolescence may affect the presentation of worry and its relationship to anxiety and related variables. To this end, this dissertation examined the continuity of the components of a cognitive-behavioral model of worry (i.e., Dugas et al., 1998) in an adolescent and adult cross-sectional sample of 76 participants. Assessed constructs included including intolerance of uncertainty, negative problem orientation, erroneous beliefs regarding the usefulness of worry, and cognitive avoidance. Contrary to hypotheses, it was found that age did not significantly predict cognitive avoidance and beliefs about worry. Coping strategies, however, did serve as a moderator of the relationship between age and scores on measures of cognitive avoidance. Specifically, an interaction between age and avoidant coping was significantly predictive of cognitive avoidance. Implications for the continuity of the proposed cognitive-behavioral model of worry and directions for future research are discussed.



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Committee Chair

Thompson E Davis III



Included in

Psychology Commons
